How do I enter a Power Statement?

Entering Power Statements from the Client Homepage

With the individual, click on the “ My Power Statement” button from the client homepage. 

To enter a Power Statement, click on “ Enter Power Statement”, and type the statement into the available text field.

If a Power Statement is already entered, and you want to update it, click on “ Update”. You can either change a word, or change the entire entry.

You can see previously entered Power Statements, along with the date they were entered by clicking on “ Past Power Statements”

Entering Power Statements in the Client Profile

Power Statements can also be entered by Clinic Admins in the client profile - either in the initial client entry page or when selecting " Edit Profile" from the user's drop-down menu.

From the clients' completed Power Statement Worksheet, transcribe the Power Statement as written into the open text fields. 

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