How do I enter Personal Medicine?
Entering Personal Medicine from the Client Homepage
With the individual, click on the “ My Personal Medicine” button from the client homepage.
Click on “ Enter Personal Medicine”, and type one item per box. Be sure to enter both the activity and the active ingredient!
If Personal Medicine is already entered, and you want to update the list, click on “ Update”. You can either change a word or change the entire entry.
You can see previously entered Personal Medicines, along with the date they were entered, by clicking on “ Past Personal Medicine”
Entering Personal Medicine in the Client Profile
Personal Medicine can also be entered by Clinic Admins in the client profile - either in the initial client entry page or when selecting " Edit Profile" from the user's drop-down menu.
From the clients' completed Personal Medicine Worksheet, transcribe the Personal Medicine as written into the open text fields.
SPECIAL NOTE: The Personal Medicine text fields are limited in size, so if the complete text does not fit, it is appropriate to shorten the text. For example, if someone has written their Personal Medicine as “Working in the body shop retrofitting old cars helps keep my mind focused”, this could be shortened to “Working in body shop keeps my mind focused.