Do My CG Report

Completing the CommonGround Health Report prepares clients to participate in their medication consultations by supporting greater focus, organization, and communication. Completing a CommonGround survey produces a CommonGround Health Report. Clicking on the “Do My CG Report” button opens the first window of the survey.

SPECIAL NOTE: Individuals may want to use the touchscreen capacity of many CommonGround kiosks or tablets. Selections can be made by touching the appropriate button – much like with a microwave oven or an ATM machine.

My Recovery

The My Recovery section of the health report allows individuals to watch short, 3-minute videos of real people sharing their stories of recovery. It also displays the individual's Power Statement, asks if they have followed through with the previous shared decision, and asks individuals about how they have been using their Personal Medicine.

How I Am Doing (HIAD)

The HIAD section includes 17 questions designed to help individuals tell their doctor or nurse how they have been doing since their last appointment. Questions include, “Since my last appointment, my energy level was too high” and “Since my last appointment I had trouble concentrating and paying attention to the things I need to do”.


The MyWellness section contains questions designed to support individuals in talking about their physical health. Questions surround tobacco use, last appointment with primary care physicians, exercise and weight.

My Meds

The My Meds section asks how people have been using the medications they are prescribed. Each of the medications entered in the My Medications section of the client homepage is referenced. Every 12 months, individuals are also asked if they have trouble swallowing pills.

Common Concerns about Mental Health Medication

This section contains 11 questions surrounding common concerns people have surrounding the medications they are taking.  For example, people are asked if they have concerns about side effects, fears about using medicine, and whether they feel the medicine is helpful
This section is non-optional at the first report, and then non-optional every six months. Between the first report, and every subsequent 6-month period, the individual has the option of skipping this section by selecting “no” – indicating they do not have current concerns about their medication.

My Goal for Today’s Appointment

The My Goals section of the report helps people clearly articulate the specific goal they have for their upcoming appointment. There is a space for people to type their goals in their own words.

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