My Meds

The CommonGround database contains hundreds of mental health and physical health medications. It is important for clients to have an accurate listing of the medications they are taking, and to review/update this list each time prior to completing their health report.

Entering Medications

With the individual, click on the “ My Meds” button from the client homepage.

Begin typing in the name of the medicine into the open text field. A drop-down with medication names will appear. The more letters you type, the shorter the list will get. 

You can either type the full name of the medication and hit “enter”, or select the name of the medicine from the drop-down box. 
If the person is not prescribed medications, select the “ not prescribed medication” box. This will allow the individual to skip the "How I am Using Medications" and "My Concerns about Mental Health Medications" sections of the CommonGround survey.

You can see previously entered medications, along with the date they were entered and removed, listed under the “Medication History”

Removing Medications 

To remove a medicine, click on the little red trash can under “ Remove”, and then “Save”. Notice that the removed medication now is stored under “Medication History”

Requesting Medications

If you are attempting to add a medication that is not found in the CommonGround Database, you can request the medicine be entered. If you type in the full name of the medicine, and it does not appear in the drop-down menu, double-check your spelling and try again. 

If the medicine name still does not show in the drop-down menu this indicates the medicine is not yet in the database.

To request the medicine be added, hit “enter” after you type the name in the text field. After you hit enter, an alert screen pops up. Click on the “click here” link to request the medicine be entered.

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